Download: McNeely_et_al2014_provisional Environmental Health 2014, 13:13 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-13-13 Eileen McNeely ( Sara Gale ( Ira Tager ( Laurel Kincl ( Julie Bradley ( Brent Coull ( Steve Hecker ( Background Few studies have examined the broad health effects of occupational exposures in flight attendants apart from disease-specific morbidity and mortality studies. We describe the health status […] 22:42:332014-10-23 15:36:30The self-reported health of U.S. flight attendants compared to the general population
Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health conducted a landmark study in 2007 on this subject, and follow-up today is needed to understand trends in flight attendant health over time. Over 4,000 flight attendants participated in the first study. Help us exceed this number. The prevalence of respiratory disease amongst Flight Attendants was approximately three […] 21:12:582014-10-22 18:14:312007 Flight Attendant Health Study Results
Download: Flight Attendant Fatigue The Departments of Transportation and Treasury and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill (House Rpt. 108-671) included a directive to the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a study of flight attendant fatigue. The NASA Ames Research Center Fatigue Countermeasures Group (FCG) was contracted by CAMI to conduct the study. To meet the goals […]
Mehrdad Arjomandi, MD 1,3,4, Thaddeus Haight, MA 5, Rita Redberg, MD 1,3, and Warren M Gold, MD 1,2,3 1 UCSF FAMRI Center of Excellence, University of California, San Francisco 2 Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco 3 Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco 4 San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University […] 18:33:132014-10-17 01:29:01Pulmonary Function Abnormalities in Never Smoking Flight Attendants Exposed to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke in the Aircraft Cabin
The self-reported health of U.S. flight attendants compared to the general population
/in Airplanes and Health, Health Information /by anthonywbrownDownload: McNeely_et_al2014_provisional Environmental Health 2014, 13:13 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-13-13 Eileen McNeely ( Sara Gale ( Ira Tager ( Laurel Kincl ( Julie Bradley ( Brent Coull ( Steve Hecker ( Background Few studies have examined the broad health effects of occupational exposures in flight attendants apart from disease-specific morbidity and mortality studies. We describe the health status […]
2007 Flight Attendant Health Study Results
/in Current Research, Current Studies, Featured /by anthonywbrownResearchers at Harvard School of Public Health conducted a landmark study in 2007 on this subject, and follow-up today is needed to understand trends in flight attendant health over time. Over 4,000 flight attendants participated in the first study. Help us exceed this number. The prevalence of respiratory disease amongst Flight Attendants was approximately three […]
Flight Attendant Fatigue
/in Fatigue, Health Information /by anthonywbrownDownload: Flight Attendant Fatigue The Departments of Transportation and Treasury and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill (House Rpt. 108-671) included a directive to the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a study of flight attendant fatigue. The NASA Ames Research Center Fatigue Countermeasures Group (FCG) was contracted by CAMI to conduct the study. To meet the goals […]
Pulmonary Function Abnormalities in Never Smoking Flight Attendants Exposed to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke in the Aircraft Cabin
/in Health Information, Respiratory Disease, Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure, Working Conditions /by anthonywbrownMehrdad Arjomandi, MD 1,3,4, Thaddeus Haight, MA 5, Rita Redberg, MD 1,3, and Warren M Gold, MD 1,2,3 1 UCSF FAMRI Center of Excellence, University of California, San Francisco 2 Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco 3 Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco 4 San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University […]